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Get rich. How to trade and earn on the Internet on binary options IQ Option. Reviews, opinions.
Get rich. IQ OPTION belongs to the category of brokers of binary options, very popular among the traders, suggesting to begin trade with rather small sum of money. One of important features of the company is existence of the Russian license (TsROFR) providing to clients of the organization tranquility in the binary market. The minimum account at IQ OPTION is only $10, and the cost of binary options begins from $1. It is possible to open the deposit in euro or even Russian rubles, to each their own. Now I will tell about an effective way of earnings in IQ OPTION which is difficult for using at most of other brokers in the binary market. What is the peculiarity of the broker Binomo? It is an opportunity to acquire binary options worth from $1 that will be very useful in the method of earnings which about I am going to tell in this review.
IQ Option - Official broker website IQ Option.
General Risk Warning: Binary options trading carries a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds
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How earn at the broker IQ OPTION Have you ever paid your attention that the price in the market fluctuates all the time? It can "mark" almost time long time, or quickly begin to grow, and then quickly develop in the opposite direction. It is very seldom when the market constantly falls without rising up, or on the contrary constantly grows without rolling away down, at least for short time.
Such observation has allowed speculators to use system martingale which was developed more than 100 years ago for trade in binary options. There are various assumptions about circumstances of martingale onset, but one of the most popular is the point of view that this system has been originally developed for roulette game. Now we are passing to an essence of a way of earnings on binary options. We are able to afford to conclude the bargain on acquisition of the binary option, nearly at random, but for decency we will take for the rule that the contract is acquired against the current trend at the first signs of his turn:
On the illustration above you can see that in the market there was ascending trend, then the price began to fluctuate and "to heel" down. At this moment we can acquire the binary option "below" which conforms to the following requirements:
  1. The asset has to be highly profitable, for example, EURUSD;
  2. To choose (to consider) time of execution in advance, but for the start I recommend to stop on option 3 minutes to avoid hurrying and getting confused in actions;
  3. For earnings in IQ OPTION it is necessary to choose for a start the minimum cost of the option ($1).
Effective trade in IQ Option The transaction either will bring us money, or it will be unprofitable, then we will lose the means spent for purchase of the binary option ($1). In the first case everything is clear if the contract has made profit, we will just wait for the next moment with a trend and the beginning of correction. On the other hand, how to be if our operation has failed, to forget about it and to wait for a new signal? Just like that we won't begin to forget about losses, and we will begin to exploit even, at first sight, unsuccessful situations. As soon as the binary option plays in 3 minutes after purchase having carried away our $1, just right there we will acquire the new contract directed down ("below"), with expiration time of 3 minutes, but already for $2. Pay attention that the second binary option is acquired straight after the previous transaction was closed with losses. We don't need even to watch the market any more, the direction of the contract is defined, it has to coincide with the direction of the closed option (in this example "below"). Preferable time of execution is previous (3 minutes) or close to it.
To earn at IQ OPTION following this strategy it is enough to wait even at least for a short turn of the price. Sometimes it is necessary to make several bargains in a row before the market gets into correction and our transaction is closed with profit. In this case each subsequent binary option is chosen more expensive than the previous one, the profit from the previous successfully closed transactions has to be enough for a covering all the losses formed by unsuccessful operations.
For example, we have bought the option for $1, then for $2, then for $5 which, unlike previous ones, was closed with a profit. If our profitability was 80%, so our profit from the transaction is $4 ($3 of it goes to cover the losses = $1 + $2).
In advance don't forget to calculate the cost of each subsequent option considering that the profit from it would be enough for a covering the losses and providing a profit. To make such calculations you will need to know the profitability of the asset which you will decide to use in your work (I recommend EURUSD, it has the highest amounts of commission). In some market situations three transactions are not enough, so get ready to acquire 5-6 binary options in a row for successful closing of the serie. Also I would like to warn about two widespread mistakes among the traders earning at the broker IQ OPTION in this way:
  1. Don’t be greedy, don't mark up the cost of the first transaction, the price of each subsequent option in the serie will depend on it;
  2. Before the trade obligatorily have a look at the economic events calendar regarding important news in the nearest future.
The matter is that news can be the cause of a strong trend against which it is extremely undesirable to play in the market. So, be convinced of lack of news but only then get to work. These rules (about greed and news) will help you to trade more steadily and to avoid unpleasant series of transactions.
IQ Option - Official broker website IQ Option.
General Risk Warning: Binary options trading carries a high level of risk and can result in the loss of all your funds
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Now you know how to trade in IQ OPTION effectively and to earn quite decent money. This method is already quite old and time-proven so you can rely on it in your trade. I recommend to begin with couple of EURUSD, transactions on $1 and with an expiration of 3-5 minutes for the contract.